銓麥感謝所有支持銓麥的朋友們蒞臨2018 Food Taipei台北國際食品加工設備暨製藥機械展攤位, 歡迎接洽我們這次展出的全系列不銹鋼烘焙機械產品「CM-160S Twin Twist Mixer 雙扭轉鈎攪拌機(離缸式)、CM-200AD Spiral Mixer螺旋式攪拌機、CM-50E Spiral Mixer螺旋式攪拌機、CM-DE6 Auto Dough Rounder連續式自動麵團滾圓機、CM-A30A Dough Rounder自動分割麵團滾圓機、CM-246 Dough Moulder迷您整形機、CM-RA32FB Retarder Proofer日式凍藏發酵箱、CM-ECD306D Baking Oven電烤層爐、TEDDY 5L Table Mixer熊牌桌上型攪拌機」Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer!
Our newest innovation for the show was the Bakery Machine for the CM-MT160S Twin Twist Mixer with Removable Bowl, CM-200AD Spiral Mixer(Digital Control Panel), CM-50E CM-DE6 Auto Dough Divider, CM-1000VRF Dough Rounder, CM-A30A Auto Dough Divider Rounder CM-246 Dough Moulder, CM-RA32FB Proofer, CM-ECD306D Oven, TEDDY 5L Table Mixer, products that will be available.
products that will be available.
Our newest innovation for the show was the Bakery Machine for the CM-MT160S Twin Twist Mixer with Removable Bowl, CM-200AD Spiral Mixer(Digital Control Panel), CM-50E CM-DE6 Auto Dough Divider, CM-1000VRF Dough Rounder, CM-A30A Auto Dough Divider Rounder CM-246 Dough Moulder, CM-RA32FB Proofer, CM-ECD306D Oven, TEDDY 5L Table Mixer, products that will be available.
products that will be available.
欲了解更多信息,請聯繫業務團隊。For more information, please contact sales team.
我們期待著再次看到你在 2019年六月。See you next time exhibit 2019 Jun.
我們期待著再次看到你在 2019年六月。See you next time exhibit 2019 Jun.
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