銓麥謝謝所有熱情支持銓麥的朋友們蒞臨2020 TIBS台北國際烘焙暨設備展攤位, #銓麥烘焙機械 攤位#P814
歡迎接洽我們這次展出的全系列不銹鋼烘焙機械產品CM-MT160SD雙扭轉鈎攪拌機(離缸式)CM-200AD螺旋式攪拌機、CM-DE4連續式麵團滾圓機, CM-1200VR麵團滾圓機、CM-535SD麵團整形機、CM-F500B二次整形機、CM-246S小型整形機、CM-A30B自動分割麵團滾圓機、CM-H20DM兩用式油壓麵團分割機、CM-406+R 熱風爐、數位台車烤爐,精彩落幕再次感謝, 我們期待明年再見!

Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer!
Our newest innovation bakery machine for the CM-MT160S Twin Twist Mixer with Removable Bowl, CM-200AD Spiral Mixer, CM-DE6 Volumetric Dough Divider, CM-1000VRF Dough Rounder, CM-535S Dough Moulder, CM-F500B Dough Moulder, CM-A30B Auto Dough Divider, CM-406+R Oven, products that will be available.

For more information, please contact sales team.
See you next time exhibit 2020 march.
