CHANMAG won the 2019 SME TOP 1000 Elite Award MVP
CHANMAG won the 2019 SMEs TOP 1000 Elite Award; the 6th D&B SMEs Awards
CHANMAG won the 2019 SMEs TOP 1000 Elite Award; the 6th D&B SMEs Awards
Chanmag Bakery Machine Co. was founded in 1979.
Bread is a living process. CHANMAG creates a kingdom of baking machinery
Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer!
Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer!
Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer!
CHANMAG cordially invites you to join us at Foodtech 2019 19 - 22 Jun. Nangang Hall L area, booth no. L0022
銓麥嘉義廠 綠建築工法設計 CTEE工商時報 世界地球日A14專頁報導 CHANMAG Chia-Yi Plant Green Construction Method Design for CTEE Earth-day Special page report 落實環保銓麥企業率先導入廠房綠建築概念,將其落實於2018年完工興建於嘉義大埔美精密機械園區廠房之建造,本著重視節能環保理念,新廠規劃之初即導入各項綠建築工法的節能環保設計,於廠外設置再生能源太陽能發電系統,廠內設立大型雨水回收系統,並擴大植栽綠化環境,設置企業文化展示廳、產品展示中心、烘焙實驗教室及研發中心,在產業發展同時兼顧環境保護;銓麥期許新廠產能為營運再添成長動能,公司邁向新的里程碑。 2019-4-22-CTEE-世界地球日報導-銓麥嘉義廠-綠建築工法設計 銓麥企業邁向國際化,近期將參與於上海新國際博覽中心舉辦的Bakery China中國國際焙烤展覽會,預計展出全系列烘焙生產線機械設備: CM-MT160S雙扭轉鈎攪拌機(離缸式)、CM-200AS螺旋式攪拌機(離缸式)、CM-240H臥式攪拌機、CM-DE6連續式麵團滾圓機, CM-1000VRF麵團滾圓機、CM-350A麵團整形機等,攤位#W4A139歡迎大家前來共相盛舉! YAHOO新聞: 銓麥嘉義廠 綠建築工法設計 中時電子報: 中時簡體版: 工商時報: [...]
ห้ามพลาด! #THAIFEX 2019 โลกของเอเชียอาหาร CHANMAG Bakery Machine Co., Ltd. cordially invites you to join us at THAIFEX 2019 28 May – 1 Jun. Hall 1 area, booth no. VV01 Our will showcase [...]
銓麥謝謝所有熱情支持銓麥的朋友們蒞臨2019 TIBS台北國際烘焙設備展 #K1116攤位 歡迎接洽我們這次展出的全系列不銹鋼烘焙機械產品「CM-MT160S雙扭轉鈎攪拌機(離缸式)、CM-200AS螺旋式攪拌機(離缸式)、CM-120AS螺旋攪拌機(離缸式)、CM-28螺旋攪拌機、CM-L200T舉缸機、CM-DE6連續式麵團滾圓機, CM-1000VRF麵團滾圓機、CM-535S 麵團整形機、CM-F500B 二次整形機、CM-RA32FB凍藏醱酵箱、CM-ECD306D烤爐」精彩落幕再次感謝, 我們期待明年再見! Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer! Our newest innovation for the show [...]