ติดตามเราในปี 2019 แสดงตาราง Show schedule
CHANMAG Bakery Machine for 2019 Exhibition List 關注我們 2019年展覽計劃 3/15 - 3/18, TIBS 台北烘焙展 5/6 - 5/9, Bakery China上海烘焙展 5/28 - 6/01, THAIFEX 泰國食品展 6/05 - 6/08, FITHEP 阿根廷食品展 6/19 - [...]
CHANMAG Bakery Machine for 2019 Exhibition List 關注我們 2019年展覽計劃 3/15 - 3/18, TIBS 台北烘焙展 5/6 - 5/9, Bakery China上海烘焙展 5/28 - 6/01, THAIFEX 泰國食品展 6/05 - 6/08, FITHEP 阿根廷食品展 6/19 - [...]
We specialize in the development of high-performance, energy-saving and environmentally-friendly products, and providing customers with one-stop baking technology service solutions. Taiwan's breakfast stores consume an average of 500,000 loaves of [...]
CHANMAG Bakery Machine Co., Ltd. cordially invites you to join us at GulFood in Dubai during 11/6 - 11/8, 2018, booth no.: R-G14 Our will showcase the Bakery Production Line series machine for [...]
Chanmag Bakery Machinery Expanding the New Factory to Service you - Chanmag committed to combining the development of the industry, built with the energy-saving and environmentally-friendly green construction method. - [...]
Thanks to all participants for the friendly and exciting exchange! Our innovations and highlights for the show was the Bakery Machine for the CM-MT160S Twin Twist Mixer with Removable Bowl, CM-200AD Spiral Mixer, CM-DE6 Auto Dough [...]
CHANMAG Bakery Machine Co., Ltd. cordially invites you to join us at iba 2018 in Munich during 15 - 20 Sep., Hall A1, booth no.: 324 Our will showcase the Bakery Production Line series [...]
CHANMAG Bakery Machine Co., Ltd. thank you visiting us at WOFEX - World Food Expo 2018 in Philippines during Aug. 1-4, booth no.: 961 Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that [...]
Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer! Our newest innovation for the show was the Bakery Machine 「CM-160S Twin Twist Mixer、CM-200AD [...]
我們位於嘉義大埔美精密機械園區的新廠日前落成啓用,以國際級的建廠高標準建構完善的自動化生產線,總經理羅勝德表示,瞄準工業4.0的快速發展,新廠產能可望為公司營運再添成長動能,讓銓麥邁向新的里程碑。 響應落實政府積極推動綠能政策,銓麥致力將產業發展結合環保理念,挹注數億元資金,於2014年12月舉行破土典禮啟建儀式,歷經三年興建完成面積達7,000餘坪的嘉義新廠房,順利於2018年5月正式啟用。 CHANMAG Factory - Solar Power System on the roof 以節能環保的綠建築工法打造的新廠房,於屋頂建構太陽能發電系統、廠內還設立大型雨水回收系統、並擴大植栽綠化環境,在產業發展同時兼顧環境保護。 嘉義新廠區的設置包含企業文化展示廳、產品展示中心、烘焙實驗教室及研發中心;以滿足客戶需求為核心規劃,未來並持續整合軟硬體優化再創新烘焙機械新功能。羅勝德指出,銓麥深耕台灣逾20多年,持續投入大量人力與資金興建廠房設備,透過管理資訊化及製造自動化設備,一方面提高產能增加且競爭優勢,另一方面可創造更多就業機會,運用多元化的行銷模式打造優質品牌;以提升企業整體競爭力。 銓麥企業創立於1979年,秉持「深耕烘焙,精益求精」的企業經營理念,專攻客戶生產需求客製整套烘焙生產線設備及技術,目前台灣的早餐店有七成的吐司是採用銓麥的烘焙機械設備製作而成。銓麥是國內烘焙機械設備業中,堅持台灣生產製造的企業,受到許多知名企業的指定選用,目前已成功協助泰國、馬來西亞及印尼等國開了各式麵包店、烘焙示範店及中央工廠等烘焙事業。
CHANMAG Bakery Machine Co., Ltd. cordially invites you to join us at Foodtech Taipei 2018 in Taipei during Jun. 27-30, L area, booth no.: L0918 - L1021 Our will showcase the Bakery [...]