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銓麥感謝您參與Foodtech Taipei 2021台北國際食品加工機械展
銓麥感謝您參與Foodtech Taipei 2021台北國際食品加工機械展
銓麥邀請您參與Foodtech 2021台北國際食品加工機械展
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Mr. Wu-Pao-Chun teaching use the CM-50E Spiral Mixer Share YouTube video for Mr. Wu Pao-Chun “Fermented Glutinous Rice and Dried Longan Bread” teaching use is our CHANMAG CM-50E Spiral Mixers, [...]
Mr. Wu-Pao-Chun teaching uses the CM-50E Spiral Mixer [Share YouTube Video] For the Bread Masters Wu Pao-Chun, this week teaching 「pineapple wine French bread」video. The same is the use of [...]
世界冠軍麵包大師吳寶春再度登場,這次要示範加了黑芝麻的黑貝果,是使用我們銓麥的CM-50E攪拌機, 值得推薦給大家! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gub97LHaDM8&feature=youtu.be 黑芝麻貝果做法與原味貝果雷同,但細節不同,外表烏亮的貝果,吃來外皮Q韌、內在有咬勁,而且散出濃濃芝麻清香,味道更豐富。 [Chanmag MarCom editing]