
Yearly Archives: 2017


CHANMAG Bakery Production Line InterFood exhibition debut

By |November 20th, 2017|

Welcome to visit us at Jakarta #InterFood exhibition during 22 - 25 Nov. CHANMAG Bakery Machine Co., Ltd. cordially invites you to visit us at InterFood Show in Jakarta during [...]

CHANMAG newest stainless steel series product recommend to you

By |October 24th, 2017|

CHANMAG Bakery Machine releases the stainless steel series product for Twin Twist Mixer, Spiral Mixer, 6-pockets Volumetric Dough Divider, Dough Rolling Machine and Convection Oven. The quality is worthy of [...]

CHANMAG wish your Happy Moon Festival

By |September 7th, 2017|

慶中秋月圓人團圓,銓麥為您現心意~我們的自有品牌「倍克芮烘焙」,於今年中秋佳節推出美味健康的法式脆餅及義式脆餅,呈現出法式浪漫及義式熱情,凡民眾揪團團購即可享優惠價,是中秋送禮的首選。 在台灣伴手禮名品展所展出之脆餅試吃活動,受到業者與民眾的青睞與肯定,因此今年中秋節主打倍克芮「法式脆餅」特製的麵包吐司,搭配黃金比例調成的抹醬,烤得香、酥、脆,讓消費者食指大動,品嘗與眾不同的絕妙好滋味。以健康為訴求的「義式脆餅」,採用大量純粹原味的堅果融合麵粉,讓重視健康的民眾享受低卡無負擔的美味甜點。 烘焙機械專家銓麥研發 CM-404 Convection Oven及CM-S101,S201 Loaf Toast Slicer,完美製作出美味的脆餅,電子式熱風爐具備環保節能效果,且烘焙效果佳,如可頌、丹麥、酥皮類及中式糕點等,廣泛運用於小型麵包店、烘焙教學教室等,國內知名品牌85℃也是愛用者。吐司切片機可依客戶的不同需求調整厚度切片,操作簡單便利,體積小不佔空間,亦可配合需求應用於吐司削皮。 倍克芮以關心烘焙更多(Care More Bakery)為產品定位,為消費者嚴格把關,提供健康安心的好食材,並使用高品質的原物料,不添加人工香料,運用自動化機械設備將製程透明化,製作出平價、美味與健康的糕點。 銓麥副總經理吳錦峰表示,針對客戶的需求量身訂作,提供展店經營計畫、提升烘焙技能(包括烘焙諮詢、麵包/蛋糕/糕點技術教學)、烘焙解決方案、分享成功案例與烘焙設備供應。以專業烘焙顧問多年的實務經驗,協助客戶整合制定開店計畫。 銓麥透過烘焙技術互相交流,提昇與客戶接觸的深度與廣度,單向的硬體烘焙食品機械銷售,擴展及布局至互動式整合展店服務鏈,讓銓麥的優良品牌行銷全球

Spiral Mixer CM-200AD won the Wisdom Machinery Product Excellence Award

By |July 3rd, 2017|

CHANMAG Bakery Machine the innovative Intelligent Digital Control Panel for the Spiral Mixer CM-200AD, won the "Wisdom Machinery Product Competition" Excellence Award of 2017 food and pharmaceutical machinery of Ministry [...]

CHANMAG thank you visiting us at Foodtech Taipei 2017

By |June 27th, 2017|

Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer! Our newest innovation for the show was the Bakery stainless steel series machine 「 CM-MT160S Twin [...]

CHANMAG invitation you join us at Food Taipei 2017

By |June 15th, 2017|

CHANMAG Bakery Machine Co., Ltd. cordially invites you to join us at Foodtech Taipei 2017 in Taipei during Jun. 21th - 24th, L area, Booth no. L0818 Our will showcase the [...]

CHANMAG thank you visiting us at Food & Hotel Myanmar 2017

By |June 12th, 2017|

Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer! Our newest innovation for the show was the Bakery machine 「#Spiral Mixer、#Planetary Mixer、#Dough Sheeter 、#Dough [...]

CHANMAG thank you visiting us at THAIFEX 2017

By |June 5th, 2017|

Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer! Our newest innovation for the show was the Bakery machine 「#Spiral Mixer、#Volumetric Dough Rounder、#Dough [...]

CHANMAG support your to successful Bakery

By |May 4th, 2017|

Taiwan Souvenir show display Brand Bakery Consultants Ltd. CTEE news / ChinaTimes newspaper / YAHOO news report: Bakery Machine famous manufacturer – CHANMAG recently participated in the "Taiwan Souvenir exhibition", [...]

CHANMAG thank you visiting us at TIBS 2017

By |April 13th, 2017|

Thank you for stopping by our booth and checking out all that CHANMAG has to offer! Our newest innovation for the show was the Bakery stainless steel series machine 「#Twin [...]