
Electric Deck Oven

/Tag:Electric Deck Oven

CHANMAG Bakery Machine enters the global baking market

By |November 20th, 2018|

We specialize in the development of high-performance, energy-saving and environmentally-friendly products, and providing customers with one-stop baking technology service solutions.

Electric Oven Energy saving and Environmental Protection news publish on Yahoo, ‪‎ChinaTimes

By |January 12th, 2017|

News release for Electric Oven Energy saving and Environmental Protection news publish on #YAHOO news, #ChinaTimes e-paper and Newspaper (C4 Edition - Industry News) CHANMAG Electric Oven top quality, over [...]

Chanmag recommend you great Electric Oven Design

By |December 27th, 2016|

Energy Saving Oven with Uniform & Even Baking Result CHANMAG’s ECD series Electric Deck Oven is suitable for Bakery shop, Baking Classroom and Laboratory. With practical and easy operation process; [...]